Maria esther de capovilla , considered to be the oldest person in the world , died of pneumonia sunday in her native guayaquil , ecuador . she was 116 以为长生不好这个幻想只有古代的世界才有吗?很多现代人都对长寿也有很大的渴望。
Capovilla was born in guayaquil in western ecuador on september 14 , 1889 , the same year that adolf hitler was born and the eiffel tower was inaugurated 卡波比亚1889年9月14日出生在厄瓜多尔西部的瓜亚基尔市,与希特勒出生和埃菲尔铁塔竣工同年。
Capovilla was born in guayaquil in western ecuador on september 14 , 1889 , the same year that adolf hitler was born and the eiffel tower was inaugurated 卡波比亚1889年9月14日出生在厄瓜多尔西部的瓜亚基尔市,与希特勒出生和埃菲尔铁塔竣工同年。
Ecuadorean maria esther capovilla poses for a photo in guayaquil december 9 . the 116 - year - old ecuadorean woman was declared by guinness world records as the oldest person in the world on december 9 , 2005 12月9日,在厄瓜多尔港口城市瓜亚基尔, 116岁的玛丽亚?埃丝特?卡波维拉安详地坐在椅子上。当天,吉尼斯世界纪录宣布玛丽亚?埃丝特?卡波维拉为目前仍在世的年龄最大的人。