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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

安全门 exit
安全阀 relief valve
安全降落 land safely
安全齿轮 emergency gear
安内攘外 maintain internal security a...
安分 ampere-minute
安分守己 remain in one's proper spher...
安分度日 lead a sober life
安匝 ampere-turn
安匝放大 ampere-turn amplification
安匝数 ampere-turns
安匝米 ampere-turn metre
安匝系数 ampere-turns factor
安南子 semen sterculiiae lychnophor...
安危 safety
安危与共 share together danger and sa...
安危未定 hang in the balance
安厝 place a coffin in a temporar...
安古树酊 angostura tincture
安哥拉 Angola
安哥拉人 Angolan
安哥拉兔 Angora rabbit
安哥拉兔毛 angora
安国 a surname
安国少季 Anguo Shaoji
安土重迁 hate to leave a place where ...
安坏心 harbour evil intentions
安坐 sit idly
安坐静观 sit quietly looking on
安培 ampere
安培匝数 ampere-turns
安培右手螺旋定则 Ampere's right handed screw ...
安培定则 Ampere's rule
安培定律 Ampere's law
安培定理 Ampere theorem
安培容量 ampere-capacity
安培导体 ampere-conductors
安培导线 ampere wires
安培小时 ampere-hour
安培平衡 ampere-balance
安培数 amperage
安培束流 ampere beam currents
安培滴定法 amperometry
安培环路定律 Ampere circuit law
安培电流 ampere-current
安培秤 ampere balance
安培表 amperemeter
安培计 ampere meter
安天乐命 happy with one's lot
安好 safe and sound
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