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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

守望相助 help one another in defense ...
守林人 forest guard
守株待兔 wait every day under the tre...
守正不挠 uphold fairness without favo...
守死善道 hold on even to dead in orde...
守法 observe the law
守法循序 law and order
守法户 law-abider
守灵 stand as guards at the bier
守灵人 watcher
守球门 keep goal
守着水的地方要多养鱼 Where there is water nearby,...
守着老一套 stick to the old practice
守约 keep one's promise
守经达权 maintain principles with fle...
守节 preserve chastity after the ...
守规矩 behave well
守贞 keep one's virginity divinat...
守财奴 miser
守身如玉 keep one's integrity
守车 caboose
守车车长 vanguard
守门 be on duty at the door or ga...
守门员 goalkeeper
安不忘危 mindful of possible danger i...
安丘 a surname
安丘望之 Anqiu Wangzhi
安乃近 analginum
安之若素 regard with equanimity
安乐 peace and happiness
安乐乡 totus land
安乐度日 pass the day happily
安乐椅 easy chair
安乐死 euthanasia
安乐毯 security blanket
安乐的生活 one's bread buttered on both...
安乐窝 a cosy nest
安乐设施 comfort
安乐躺椅 duchesse
安于现状 be content with things as th...
安于职守 stay at one's post
安享太平 enjoy the present tranquilli...
安享富贵 enjoy wealth and honour
安享清福 be unoccupied and enjoying h...
安伏欧计 avometer
安全 safe
安全保护 safeguard
安全保证 safe conduct
安全保障 insurance
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