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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

多层次联合 multilevel combination
多层次行政管理 multiple echelons of adminis...
多层次领导 multilayered authority
多层油田 multiply oil field
多山地区 a mountainous district
多岁 over fifty years old
多峰 multimodal
多峰分布 multimodal distribution
多峰曲线 polymodal curve
多工位 multistation
多工位冷镦机 multistage cold former
多工位成型机 multistation machine
多工位组合机床 multistation modular machine...
多工序 multiple operation
多工序模具 multiple operation die
多工序零件 multi-operation part
多市场经营 multimarketing
多带 multitape
多帧 multiframe
多幕剧 a play of many acts
多年 many years
多年之交 a friendship of many years
多年冻土 ever-frozen ground
多年冻层 ever-frozen layer
多年变化 secular variation
多年来他一直保持着收集旧历书的嗜好 He pursued his hobby of coll...
多年来他一直夹带手表过海关 For years he has been smuggl...
多年来遗留下来的 piled up over the years
多年灾害 perennial scourge
多年生 perennial
多年生植物 perennial plant
多年生草本植物 herbaceos perennial
多年生蔬菜 permanent vegetable
多年的战斗生活把他锻炼成了一个智勇双全的指挥员 Long years of fighting made ...
多年积习 crusted habit
多年群体 perennial colony
多年调节水库 carry-over storage
多幸症 hypercenesthesia
多开帐款 overcharge an account
多弧 multi sphere
多弧自动电焊机 multihead automatic arc weld...
多弹头 multiple warhead
多弹头导弹 multiple warhead missile
多形 multiform
多形式 multiform
多形性 polymorphy
多形性变化 polymorphic change
多形现象 polymorphism
多形转变 polymorphic transition
多径 multipath
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