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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

多方式 multimode
多方譬喻 explain by all sorts of anal...
多方设法 try various devices to...
多方过程 polytropic proces
多方阻挠 hinder in many ways
多方面 many-sided
多时 a long time
多明我会 Ordo Dominicanorum
多晶 polycrystal
多晶体 polycrystal
多服务设施 multiple service facilities
多极 multipolar
多极世界 multipolar world
多极发电机 multipolar generator
多极场 multipole fields
多极坐标 multipolar coordinates
多极性 multipolarity
多极电机 multipolar dynamo
多极磁铁 multipole magnet
多果腺 polycarp
多枝 racemosus
多枪 multiple gun
多枪电子束管 multiple gun cathode-ray tub...
多栏 multicolumn
多栏关税 multicolumn tariff
多栏日记帐 columnar journals
多栏税则 multiple-column tariff
多树木的山地 timbered mountainous region
多样 various
多样化 diversify
多样化发展 diversified development
多样化投资 diversified investment
多样化的艺术风格 a variety of artistic styles
多样化经营 diversified business
多样性 variety
多样活动过程图 multiple-activity process ch...
多样统一 variety in unity
多样联合 diverse combinations
多核 multinuclear
多核白细胞 multinuclear leucocyte
多核纤维 multinucleate fibre
多核细胞 apocyte
多桅帆船 bark
多梦 dreaminess
多梭箱织机 multiple box loom
多槽 multislot
多次 many times
多次定位 multiple bearing
多次往返有效入境签证 multiple entry-exit visa
多次抽样 multiple sampling
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