Haka is the generic term for a traditional dance of the maori people “哈卡”是毛利人一种传统舞蹈的通称。
Nowadays , the haka is still led by a player of maori descent whenever and wherever the all blacks take the field 现在,不论何时何地,只要“全黑队”比赛,就仍会有一名毛利人后裔球员带头跳“哈卡”舞。
If such an advantage really exists , it can only be enhanced when as tradition dictates , the team performs the celebrated haka before the match kicks - off 即使这一优势存在,也只是当他们在比赛哨声吹起前跳起毛利人的战舞时,才会提到提高。
The watashibune became famous after it appeared in a novel nogiku no haka by ito sachio . its popularity remains to this day and there is a constant flow of travelers 因为在伊藤左千夫的小说《野菊墓》中出现而一举成名,前来旅游观光的人络绎不绝。
If such an advantage really exists , it can only be enhanced when , as tradition dictates , the team performs the celebrated haka before the match kicks off 如果这样的优势真的存在,当这支队伍在传统的指引下,在比赛前跳起著名的“哈卡”舞,这种优势才能得到加强。