The lacquey lifted his handbell and shook it 伙计举起手铃摇了摇:
The lacquey by the door of dillon s auctionrooms shook his handbell twice again and viewed himself in the chalked mirror of the cabinet 站在狄拍卖行门旁的伙计又摇了两遍手铃,并且对着用粉笔做了记号的大衣柜镜子照了照自己这副尊容。
From the bells , drums , stone chimes and handbells of the xia , shang and zhou dynasties , to the bronze chime sets and stone chime sets of the spring and autumn period and the warring states period , and the gongs , cymbals , bang and clappers of the han , jin , sui and tang dynasties , the development of chinese percussion instruments had come a long way 由夏、商、周时代的钟、鼓、磬、铃,春秋战国时代的大型编钟、编磬,以至汉、晋、隋、唐时代的锣、铙钹、梆、板,中国敲击乐器已有很大发展。在宋、元、明、清各代,随