English translation for "heptachlor"
 七氯 ( 杀虫剂 ) ,飞布达 七氯(农药)
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Numerous microbial cultures convert heptachlor to its expoxide . 许多微生物培养基可以把七氯转化为它的环氧化物。 | | 2. | Standard test method for chlordane and heptachlor residues in indoor air 室内气体中氯丹和庚氯残留物的标准试验方法 | | 3. | Method for determination of bhc , ddt , heptachlor andaldrin residues in grain for export 出口粮谷中六六六滴滴涕七氯艾氏剂残留量检验方法 | | 4. | Method for the determination of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide residues in meats and meat products for export 出口肉及肉制品中七氯和环氧七氯残留量检验方法 |
- Similar Words:
- "heptabrachia" English translation, "heptacardia" English translation, "heptacarpus" English translation, "heptacene" English translation, "heptach" English translation, "heptachlor epoxide" English translation, "heptachlor poisoning" English translation, "heptachloro-camphene" English translation, "heptachlorocyclopentadiene" English translation, "heptachloroepoxide" English translation