Truth aspirants longing to practice the convenient method at costa rica s heredia prison had their prayers answered recently when they received several visits from quan yin messengers and fellow initiates 由于有人渴望修方便法,同修及观音使者来到叶雷迪雅监狱探访。
Fellow practitioners from the costa rica center , the administrative staff of the heredia prison , and heredia s rotary club joined to celebrate a christmas festival for 300 local children and their parents 斯大黎加小中心与叶雷迪亚监狱以及叶雷迪亚扶轮社联合为当地三百名小孩与他们的父母共庆圣诞。
A letter of appreciation from the centro atencion institucional , heredia , costa rica to the supreme master ching hai international association for supporting a christmas celebration for inmates and families 哥斯大黎加叶雷迪亚监狱致函感谢清海无上师世界会赞助受刑人及其家属圣诞联欢会原文为西班牙文
A series of truth - sharing video seminars - one in cartago and two in heredia - were held from april 29 to may 20 . the first , held on april 29 , took place at the la casa de la ciudad , an activity center in cartago 从4月29日至5月20日,我们在本地举办了一系列录影带讲座的弘法活动,其中一场在卡大果举行,另外两场在叶雷迪雅。
The second video seminar was held at heredia university on may 6 . to show their sincere interest in this event , the university authorities had the lecture hall specially painted before the seminar to give it a new look 5月6日我们在叶雷迪雅大学举行第二次弘法,校方为了表示诚意,特请工人全部重新赶工粉刷油漆,看起来焕然一新。