These evidence support the hypothesis hereinabove 这证明ros是sos2对盐敏感的原因之一。
For any services rendered to the goods as hereinabove provided , the carrier shall be entitled to a reasonable extra compensation 按以上规定为货物提供的任何服务,承运人均有权得到额外补偿。
Survival of obligations : the provisions of section 2 hereinabove shall continue in full force notwithstanding the termination or expiration of this agreement 责任递延:尽管合约终止或到期,前述第二条之规定依然有效。
In introduction section , the author points out the importance of civil retrial procedure , the universality of the litigation of civil retrial in civil law system , and the problems of civil retrial system in our country . based on these hereinabove , the author advanced the issue : establish litigation of civil retrial in our country . text is composed of 4 chapters 引言部分指出了再审程序的重要性,再审之诉在大陆法系国家存在的普遍性,以及我国现行民事再审启动程序存在的主要问题,在此基础上提出了本论文的基本论点:构建我国的民事再审之诉。
In the event of transferring the laborer during the labor - contract term to the occupational - disease - inductive post that is not indicated in the labor contract due to the change of post or duty , the employer should faithfully reveal to the laborer the information indicated hereinabove and consult with the laborer for modifying the related provisions of the existing labor contract 劳动者在已订立劳动合同期间因工作岗位或者工作内容变更,从事与所订立劳动合同中未告知的存在职业病危害的作业时,用人单位应当依照前款规定,向劳动者履行如实告知的义务,并协商变更原劳动合同相关条款。
The sole purpose of this trust will be to produce income to support designated staff and progrmmes which in the opinion of the trustees are within the aims and objects of the council as set out hereinabove such as providing staff , programs or projects to promote the coordination of social welfare activities , to initiate , develop or modify social welfare work programmes and services , to develop and prepare standards of same , to determine effectiveness , efficiency and economy of services , to promote or carry out social welfare research , to carry out public education in respect to social welfare , and to develop recommendations concerning social welfare to the government , but which staff and or programmes are not supported by government subvention or community chest funds 信托基金唯一的目的是拓展收益,支持受托人认为符合本会的宗旨及目标之工作,如聘用员工、推行计划、加强协调社会福利工作、发动、发展及改善社会福利(工作)计划及服务,厘订及保持福利服务的划一水准,确定服务的效能、效率及善用经费,鼓励及进行各种社会福利的研究,推行社会教育以促进市民对社会福利的认识,并因应社会福利问题向政府提出建议。但上述之指定职员及活动计划须以未获政府拨款或公益金资助者为限,信托基金的一切收益,须由受托人监管,不得动用作本会经常性开支。