The fact that herter had been asked to nominate me was itself a confirmation of his very strong standing in the party . 现在要赫脱出面来提名选我,本身便说明赫脱在党内实力雄厚。
Her affectionate heart loved more from habit and long association with herter than from the usual connections of sentiment and taste . 因为她不仅重感情,而且她对赫特的感情主要是出于习惯和长期相处,而不是出自普通的感情和喜爱。
At last , it makes a proposal on cp and sp ’ s synergy . and by using self - organization and herter - organization methods , it can coordinate the synergy 在文章的最后,提出了保障cp 、 sp协同发展的自组织和他组织的监督策略。