But elena and l , we don ' t , uh , go in for those sort of histrionics 但伊莲娜和我,我们不会那样像做戏似的
Not a mistake , they were in the good bit as well by virtue of coming and trying to play good football , but what let them down were some pathetic histrionics from mark viduka and yakubu ayegbeni at some offside decisions and some blatant time - wasting at the end of the first half that should have resulted in a booking for someone 不是笔误,他们的敬业精神和良好表现赢得赞誉,但维杜卡和雅库布在被判越位时装模作样表现出无辜,在上半场比赛的最后浪费时间应当吃牌,这些给他们自己抹了黑。
They became aware that the late 18th - century cult of sensibility , which had championed untrammelled emotion as the fount of altruism , could easily spill over into self - indulgent histrionics ; the sincerity they valued as the highest good could drift into self - deception and selfishness 他们开始认识到, 18世纪后期对敏感顶礼膜拜,将未驾驭的情感视为利他主义之源泉,却往往过于汹涌而沦为个人放纵的表演;而真诚- - - -曾被视为世间最美好品质- - - -却滑向了自欺欺人和自私的泥潭。