Anthocerophyta ( hornworts ) the small phylum of nonvascular plants 角苔:非维管植物中的一个小门。
The collective name for mosses , liverworts , and hornworts is bryophytes 以前苔藓植物还包括一些现在已经被五界系统归为藻类的植物。
Tracheophyte ( tracheophyta ) any plant with a differentiated vascular system ; i . e . all plants except the liverworts , mosses , and hornworts 维管植物:任何具有分化成为维管系统的植物。即除了地钱、藓类和角苔以外的所有植物。
Formerly , the bryophyta also included the liverworts and hornworts , which in the five kingdoms classification are now placed in separate phyla ( hepatophyta and anthocerophyta ) 孢子萌发产生一个丝状的单倍体,将来可以发育为芽体,进而形成整个植株。
Pyrenoid a protein structure found in the chloroplasts of green algae and hornworts ( anthocerophyta ) . pyrenoids are associated with the storage of starch 淀粉核,蛋白核:在绿藻和角苔(角苔门)的叶绿体中所发现的蛋白质结构。淀粉核与淀粉的储存有关。
Like thallose liverworts , the hornworts have an alternation of generations in which the gametophyte is a dorsiventral flattened green phallus and the saprophyte is an upright structure that has a foot embedded in the gametophytes , from which it draws nutrition 与叶状体植物地钱一样,角苔具有明显的世代交替, ,配子体在世代交替中占优势,孢子体占劣势且利用其基足插入配子体的组织中吸取养料,以供孢子体生长。
The results showed : ( 1 ) the activity concentration of 95zr in water reduced quickly for subsidence , soil absorption , crucian intake , hornwort ' s absorption and adsorption . the dynamics of its disappearance accorded with binomial index regression law : cw . = 43 . 36e - 1 . 74t ' + 12 . 85e - 0 . 15 ( 2 ) the hornwort had stro 结果表明: ( l )从水体中引入的95zr由于沉降、土壤吸附、被鱼体摄入和金鱼藻的吸收、吸附作用使水体中的gszr比活度呈快速下降,其消失动态符合二项指数衰减规律, cw = 43 . 36e . , . 74t + 12 . 85e一住‘ ” 。