| 1. | Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual . 汉弗莱同往常一样衣着整齐,镇定自若。 |
| 2. | J. eric humphrey listened to the argument with apparent indifference . 约埃里克汉弗莱显然漫不经心地听着这场争吵。 |
| 3. | Humphrey paced the rug behind his desk and demanded rhetorically . 汉弗莱在他办公桌后面的地毯上,一边踱着步子一边慷慨激昂地问道。 |
| 4. | Minutes later humphrey strode into nim's office and tossed the paper down . 几分钟后,汉弗莱大步走进尼姆的办公室,把报纸往地上一摔。 |
| 5. | Earlier today, jeric humphrey was summoned as the applicant's first witness . 今天早些时候,约埃里克汉弗莱被传来做申请者的第一个证人。 |
| 6. | Nim had been sent, a few minutes ago, by j. eric humphrey to make a personal appraisal of the scene . 尼姆在几分钟前被约埃里克汉弗莱派来亲自视察现场。 |
| 7. | Earlier eric humphrey and nim, after some debate, had agreed on the sequence of procedure . 早些时候,埃里克汉费莱同尼姆两人经过一番讨论,共同商定了进行的程序。 |
| 8. | On the podium jeric humphrey stood impassively, waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside . 约埃里克汉弗莱不动声色地站在指挥台上,等着反对的喧嚣声消退。 |
| 9. | He knew that if the subject had been one on which humphrey held strong views they would have prevailed . 他知道如果汉弗莱在这个议题上有鲜明的观点,他的论点就会占上风。 |
| 10. | ' cause he ' s humphrey bogart . he ' s the man 因为他是亨弗莱?鲍嘉他是好男人 |