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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

实足一百斤 a full 100 jin
实足年龄 exact age
实践 practice
实践出真知 Genuine knowledge comes from...
实践性 practicality
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criteri...
实践诺言 keep one's word
实逼处此 be compelled to...
实部 real part
实际 reality
实际上 in fact
实际上儿子是操纵一切的人 The son is actually the one ...
实际上并无差别 There is practically no diff...
实际价值 actual value
实际伤害 actual harm
实际债务 actual debts
实际值 actual value
实际出发 start from the actual and pr...
实际利润 real profit
实际利率 true rate of interest
实际利益 actual benefit
实际功率 true power
实际占有财产 chose in possession
实际增益 actual gain
实际寿命 actual life
实际工资 real wage
实际情况 truth
实际成本 actual cost
实际成本计算 actual costing
实际投资 real investment
实际控制线 line of actual control
实际支付 actual delivery
实际收入 real income
实际效率 actual efficiency
实际时 actual time
实际汇价 effective rate
实际生活水平 actual standard of living
实际的例子 a concrete instance
实际知识 know-how
实际经验 practical experience
实际行动 actual deeds
实际记录 physical record
实际误差 actual error
实际资本 actual capital
实际输入输出 physical I-O
实际输出 actual output
实音 flatness
实验 experiment
实验中学 laboratory middle school
实验农场靠近水电站 The experimental farm is nea...
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