| 1. | Reinforcing technology and appl ication of rc members with steel plates 钢筋混凝土构件粘钢加固技术及应用 |
| 2. | Restoring method of ancient gas diffusion coefficient and its appl ication 天然气古扩散系数的恢复方法及其应用 |
| 3. | This provides evidences for the identify ication of swerta in some extent 腺体。腺体的数目、类别、结构、位置等。种子。 |
| 4. | Ejb is one of the java midd1eware , it is the component mode1 on the java app1 ication p1atform Ejb是一种java中间件,它是javatm平台上的服务器端组件模型。 |
| 5. | The theory of gis is expounded here and the app1 ication of gis in water resource is showed in the artic1e 本文就gis的原理进行概括性的阐述,并展示了现阶段已设计完成的成果? ? gis在水资源部分的应用。 |
| 6. | At last an appl ication about access control system based on 1c fingerprint recognition is discussed with the designs of system hardware and software 最后讨论了一个基于指纹识别的ic门禁系统应用实例,阐述了其设计思路和软、硬件实现方法。 |
| 7. | With the fast deve1opment and wide appl ication of vls1 techno1ogy , the higher demands for some aspects inc1uding comp1exity , dependabi1ity and exp1oitive cyc1e of vlsi system are advanced 随着vlsi技术的迅速发展及广泛应用, vlsi系统对设计的复杂性、设计的可靠性和开发周期都提出了更高的要求。 |
| 8. | Abstract : the functions of the multimedia cai for chemical reaction engineering that is developed by vb are introduced in the paper . mainly utilized technology and appl ication are discussed 文摘:本文介绍用vb语言开发《化学反应工程》多媒体课件的性能特点,讨论实现中的一些主要技术及课件的使用情况。 |
| 9. | The design of software was rea1 ized with c + + 1anguage . the software system inc1uded survei 11ance and control software , di sp1ay software adapted to engineeriflg and app1 ication software for attitude matrix determination 利用较新的c + +语言实现了陀螺仪数据采集的监控软件,符合工程使用的系统显示软件,以进行姿态矩阵解算的应用软件。 |
| 10. | In this paper , a new method of dnc commun - ication system based on wireless is studied , it depicted the advantage of the wireless , and designed actual project , introduced ready - made integrated system and its function 摘要提出了以无线通信方式实现dnc通讯方式,阐述了基于无线方式实现的优点,并设计切实可行的方案,介绍了已建成的集成系统和功能。 |