Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability . 一切麻烦和所有现实都一变而为玄妙空幻、无从捉摸的东西。
Stephen said with tingling energy . one who has faded into impalpability through death , through absence , through change of manners 斯蒂芬精神抖擞地说, “那不外乎就是一个人由于死亡,由于不在,由于形态的变化而消失到虚无飘渺中去。
Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability , sinking to mere mental phenomena for serene contemplation , and no longer stood as pressing concretions which chafed body and soul 一切烦恼和现实中的事情都化作了抽象的虚无缥缈的东西,变成了仅仅供人沉思默想的精神现象,再也不是折磨肉体和灵魂的紧迫的具体的东西。