The rural sustainable development is an important and impartible part of sustainable development in china 农村可持续发展是我国可持续发展战略的一个不可分割的重要组成部分。
Since the beginning of the 2l th century , tbe development of information technique has changed quick l y . 1 ' he network has becolne an impartible part of the human life 进入二十一世纪,信息技术的发展日新月异,安全问题愈来愈成为影响网络信息化发展的不可忽视的因素。
As to this , the author classified it to two categories , they are the cause of breaking promise and the cause of legal provision . the former specifically covers joint obligation , impartible obligation , concurrent obligation and joint responsibility guarantee etc ; the latter mainly refers to together tortious act and together jeopardizing act . here , the author also discusses in view of the practice to clarify the issue of the application of law 即连带责任的违反约定的成因和违反法定的成因,而前者具体包括连带债务,不可分债务,并存的债务承担,连带责任保证等,而后者则主要是指共同侵权行为和共同危险行为,当然对此笔者也进行了实践上的探讨,以明确法律的运用问题。