| 1. | Solid rock and rushing water reflect the permanence and impermanence of life itself . 坚固的岩石和奔腾的流水反映出生命本身的永恒和短暂。 |
| 2. | Light reveals the subtle alteration of things, the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life . 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。 |
| 3. | Change , impermanence is characteristic of life 变化和无常是生命的特徵。 |
| 4. | Lies the reason for this growing impermanence 有着这持久的暂时的理由。 |
| 5. | We can ' t stop time , but we can discover impermanence 我们无法停止时间轨道的转动,但要从中觉悟无常的真谛。 |
| 6. | Avoid suffering to gain happiness . realize impermanence to gain hope 要远离苦聚,才能获得安乐;要知道无常,才能拥有希望。 |
| 7. | Since impermanence to us spells anguish , we grasp on to things desperately , even though all things change 因为无常会带来痛苦,虽然万事万物都会改变,我们还是拼命地执著。 |
| 8. | Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth . experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence 有情有义,于情义中,觉悟真理;有甘有苦,在甘苦中,领会无常。 |
| 9. | One of the chief resons we have so much anguish and difficulty in facing death is that we ignore the truth of impermanence 人们那么难以面对死亡的主要原因,在于对无常实相的无知。 |
| 10. | There is not the impermanence cause the pain of us , what do it is that things are impermanent , but we hope they ' re eternal 并不是无常使我们痛苦,使我们痛苦的是,事物本是无常的而我们却希望它们永恒。 |