He uttered imprecations under his breath . 他低声地发出咒语。
He drank the spirits and impatiently bade us go ; terminating his command with a sequel of horrid imprecations , too bad to repeat or remember 他喝掉了酒,不耐烦地叫我们走开。用一连串的可怕的,不堪重述也不能记住的咒骂,来结束他的命令。
Growling the foulest imprecations , he crawled along the sand till he got hold of the porch and could hoist himself again upon his crutch 他咆哮着发出最恶毒的咒骂,爬在沙地上,一直爬到了门廊前,抓着门柱子,用拐将自己的身体重新撑了起来。
As to his voice , prayers , sobs , and imprecations had changed it so that at times it was of a singularly penetrating sweetness , and at others rough and almost hoarse 他的嗓音,因祈祷,啜泣和诅咒而发生了很大的变化,时而温柔恳切,听来非常动人,时而粗声气近乎嘶哑。
Yet here were the very men who had laughed the loudest at his jests , now flourishing their fists in his face , loading him with imprecations , and defying him to his teeth as a villain 然而正是这些对他的笑话笑得声音最大的人,如今在这里挥舞拳头,不断诅咒他,公然说他是个恶棍!
On the exclamation of the doctor and the cry of the father , the servants all fled with muttered imprecations ; they were heard running down the stairs and through the long passages , then there was a rush in the court , afterwards all was still ; they had , one and all , deserted the accursed house 听到医生的绝叫和那父亲的哭喊,仆人们喃喃地祈祷着离开了。只听见他们脚步声奔下楼梯,穿过长廊,冲入前庭,他们都已逃离这座受天诅咒的房子。
A murmur of approval arose from all and some were for ejecting the low soaker without more ado , a design which would have been effected nor would he have received more than his bare deserts had he not abridged his transgression by affirming with a horrid imprecation for he swore a round hand that he was as good a son of the true fold as ever drew breath 举座发出一片赞同之低语声,有人扬言应立即将该下流醉汉逐之门外。此计划几近付诸实践,将给彼以应有之惩罚。然而彼可鄙地赌咒发誓而且发得八面玲珑,谓彼乃天下最善良之人子也,从而减轻其罪责。
Any one may guess how readily such a proposal would be accepted by men in their condition ; they fell down on their knees to the captain , and promised with the deepest imprecations , that they would be faithful to him to the last drop , and that they should owe their lives to him , and would go with him all over the world , that they would own him for a father to them as long as they liv d 任何人都不难想象,处在他们的境况下,对于这个建议,真是求之不得。他们一起跪在船长面前,苦苦哀求,答应对他誓死效忠,并且说,他们将永远感激他救命之恩,甘愿跟他走遍天涯海角,还要毕生把他当作父亲一样看待。