But as of right now , he ' s incommunicado 不过从现在起,他需要被监禁起来
But as of right now , he is incommunicado 但现在,他要被监禁
As of right now , he ' s incommunicado 从现在起至少几天之内
The saudi arabian authorities regularly hold detainees incommunicado , when they are frequently tortured and otherwise ill - treated 沙乌地阿拉伯官方经常将被监禁者和外界完全隔离,因为他们常遭到拷问及虐待。
They have been held incommunicado since then , at an undisclosed location , putting them at serious risk of torture or other ill - treatment 从被抓到现在,他们被关在非常隐密的地方,完全不能和外界接触,身处于遭受酷刑的恶况中。
People are frequently arrested without warrant and held incommunicado ; torture and other cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment are common , especially during interrogation and in custody awaiting trial 刑求、其他残忍、非人性和污辱的对待是司空见惯,特别是在问案或待审时的监禁期间。
Torture is a criminal offence in yemen , but it has continued to take place at the hands of the security forces as a result of the practice of incommunicado detention and impunity enjoyed by alleged perpetrators 拷问在叶门是一种违法行为,但由于当地监禁期间禁止和外界联系,且这些不法的犯罪者往往不会受到逞罚,因此拷问的情形在当地军政府掌管之下依然层出不穷。