adj. 1.缺乏表情的;无表情的,无深意的。 2.不表白自己的,沉默的。 3.〔古语〕= inexpressible. an inexpressive face 毫无表情的面孔。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
The main fault that has not changed is the clumsy and inexpressive prose style . 尚未改变的主要缺点是其文体臃肿呆板。
His imperturbable face has been as inexpressive as his rusty clothes . 他脸上那种泰然自若的神色,就跟他身上那套褪了色的衣服一样,什么表情都没有。
The dawn of the march morning is singularly inexpressive , and there is nothing to show where the eastern horizon lies 在三月天里,早上的黎明格外朦胧,没有一点儿标志可以表明东方的地平线在哪里。