O you inquisitional drunken jew jesuit ! she gets you a job on the paper and then you go and slate her drivel to jaysus 她在报馆里替你谋一份差事,你却骂她是蹩脚演员,写了那些蠢话。
Finally , it detailedly explains the duty of examining justice , the starting and enfering way of inquisitional procedure , and the main content of the inquisition 对预审法官的职责、预审程序的启动、实施方式、审查的主要内容等问题作了详尽诠释。
The whole course is an operation of administration management , therefore , it demonstrates some distinct features , such as the trail and the judgement are separated , the power highly centralized , the inquisitional features are bright , and so on 整个过程是一个行政化管理的运作,因而呈现出鲜明的审理与判决相分离、权力高度集中、纠问式特点突出等特征。
The topic of this paper is analysis of obstacle factors for industrialization of achievement of agricultural institution this research is based on the poll in which hebei province is chosen as inquisitional site 本文的主题就是农业科技成果产业化障碍因子的研究。本文对农业科技成果产业化障碍因子的研究,建立在实际问卷调查的基础之上。问卷调查选择了河北省作为调查点。
Part two : through comparative studies on ancient and modern , and chinese and foreign cultural traditions , national and personal characters and current litigation systems , multiple causes for extorting a confession by torture , which repeatedly happen in spite of repeated bans , are analyzed in terms of traditional cultures , human nature , china ' s current inquisitional procedure mode , rules for accepting evidences , conditions of act 第二部分:通过古今、中外的文化传统、民族及个人性格、现行诉讼制度的对比研究,分析了传统文化、人性以及我国现行的审问式诉讼模式、证据采信规则、行为条件等刑讯逼供屡禁不止的多方原因。
Aiming at research study appeared from the curriculum reform of our country , the author will start with the conception of science education - " developing students " science literacy synthetically , letting students improve their spirits of science , abilities of practice and sense of innovation , letting them to have personal characters in inquisitional study " , try to explore how to proceed the science education in research study 针对我国又一轮的基础教育课程改革出现的“研究性学习”课程,我们从科学教育的观念? “全面培养学生的科学素养,让学生在自主探究的学习过程中,提高科学精神、实践能力和创新意识,发展学生的个性特长”着手。努力探索如何在“研究性学习”课程中实施科学教育。
With the system of criminal trial in china is being changed from inquisitional into adversary , to perfect discovery system has become an urgent problem to be solved therefore , this article explores rule of corroboration in rule of evidence and is to benefit legislation and practice 随着我国刑事庭审方式由法官主导的审问制向控辩双方的对抗制的转变,完善证据规则已经成为我国刑事诉讼中亟待解决的问题。故此,本文就证据规则中的补强证据规则进行了探讨,以资有益于立法和实践。