He saw him once on the auspicious occasion when they broke up the type in the insuppressible or was it united ireland , a privilege he keenly appreciated , and , in point of fact , handed him his silk hat when it was knocked off and he said thank you , excited as he undoubtedly was under his frigid expression notwithstanding the little misadventure mentioned between the cup and the lip - what s bred in the bone 事实是,当巴涅尔的大礼帽被击落后,布卢姆把它捡起,递了过去。尽管上述小小灾难使巴涅尔功亏一篑211 ,他依旧神色坦然不过,内心无疑是激动的,还是说了声。 “谢谢你”这是出于渗透到他骨子里的习性。