It is an intergradation structure style between erose - section - column frame and conventional shear wall structure 短肢墙结构的特点是: ( 1 )结构形式符合建筑功能需要。
The research started with the investigation among the 120 skeleton teachers in the honghe prefecture and 130 new students in our school . as a result , in allusion to the phenomenon that the teachers and students are now still verdant , a transitional teaching model can be brought forward to form an intergradation from the traditional passive study model to the exploring teaching one 研究首先从我州部分州级骨干教师(分布全州个市县共120余人)及我校130余名新生进行调查展开,针对教师、学生对探究教学、学习普遍生疏的现状,以主体教育理论、认知心理学理论、科学哲学思想为理论基础,依据物理学科特点,参照国内外部分有效的探究教学模式,提出可促进学生由传统讲授?接受学习向探究学习过渡探究教学模式。