Iv . management on groups , stick to the sustainable development " s method to make great progress , newspaper industry should take centralize properly , take advantage of the group predominance and never repeat invalidly . the newspaper industry should step to a higher level 四、集团化经营,走报业可持续发展之路报业经济要有大的发展,就不能持续搞小而全,一社一报,小打小闹,在低水平上重复建设,而应适度集中,利用优化组合的集团性强势,向经营的高层次发展。
Up to date , all general protection locks sold on the market use asic or eeprom as the hardware design circuit . due to their simple design and easy - to - crack , they are easy to be cracked , and their circuit design s stability is very bad . thus , it does not only protect your product invalidly , but also damage your product s image and increase the cost of technical maintenance service 目前,一般市面上所销售的保护锁产品都是以asic或eeprom为硬件设计线路,由于其设计方法简单,破解的方法容易,因此破解率极高同时该种线路设计之稳定性亦差,不仅无法有效保护贵公司的产品,同时更可能使贵公司的产品形象受损,并且增加技术维修服务的费用。