| 1. | Washington irving published graceful sketches and stories . 华盛顿欧文发表了不少优美的小品文和短篇小说。 |
| 2. | In fact, as irving not too loudly hinted, he had borrowed the story from a german tale . 实际上欧文悄悄暗示过,这一题材借鉴于一个德国故事。 |
| 3. | In his "history of new york", irving pictured it as a region of unscrupulous yankee traders . 欧文在《纽约外史》里把它描写成利欲熏心的杨基商人群集之地。 |
| 4. | If america was born in broad daylight, irving brought it an imported twilight, to the best of his ability . 如果说美国出生在大白天,埃文尽力给它着上一层外来的朦胧的暮色。 |
| 5. | From german stories he passed to those of spain. they were rich sources, and irving explored them eagerly . 欧文相继研究了德国和西班牙的民间传说,热心开发了这批丰富的宝藏。 |
| 6. | Is irving so much to blame in judging his history a dead end, when it was only a false start ? 《纽约外史》只是个错误的起点。如果把这本书说成一条死胡同,那也未免对欧文责之过严了。 |
| 7. | Is irving so much to blame in judging his history a dead end, when it was only a false start ? 他的“历史”只是个错误的起点。如果把这本书说成一条死胡同,那也未免对欧文责之过严了。 |
| 8. | More recent writers than irving have been unable to accept the idea that a serious style could grow out of a burlesque intention . 甚至晚于欧文的作家也不认为诙谐文章能够产生严肃的风格。 |
| 9. | In fact, as emerson saw, irving and his american contemporaries were "picturesque" : a deeper power eluded them . 事实上,如爱默生之所见,欧文和同时代的美国人都“绚丽多彩”:但是缺乏更深厚的东西。 |
| 10. | Ticknor directed prescott's early studies, irving relinquished to him the theme of the conquest of mexico by cortes . 蒂克纳曾指导过普雷斯科特早期的研究,欧文还把科尔特斯征服墨西哥这个题材转让给他。 |