| 1. | The iucn red list of threatened species Iucn濒危物种红色名录 |
| 2. | Dr . yvonne sadovy , iucn specialist Iucn专家薛绮文博士 |
| 3. | Definition of various terms used to describe the status of animals iucn 动物种群状况辞汇释义参考世界自然保护联盟评级资料 |
| 4. | The giant panda is listed as endangered in the world conservation union ' s ( iucn ' s ) red list of threatened animals 大熊猫被列列为世界受到威胁的濒危动物的红色列表。 |
| 5. | Mrc in cooperation with iucn is implementing the gef / undp funded mekong wetland biodiveristy programme 我们和国际自然联盟正在合作实施gef与联合国环境署的湄公河湿地生物多样性保护项目。 |
| 6. | Among these are dalmatian pelican pelecanus crispus , listed as vulnerable on the iucn red list and white - tailed eagle haliaeetus albicilla 其中包括被iucn红色名录列为易危的卷羽鹈鹕,以及白尾海雕。 |
| 7. | Both the borneo and sumatran species of orangutans are endangered , according to the iucn red list of mammals 根据国际自然与自然资源保护联合会公布的哺乳动物《红色名单》显示,婆罗洲猩猩和苏门答腊猩猩都属于濒危动物。 |
| 8. | The african lion is classified as vulnerable on the iucn red list of threatened species due to a continuing decline in the species ' population 由于数量年年减少,非洲狮目前被纳为自然保育联盟濒临绝种生物红皮书清单上的一条。 |