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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

总结正反两方面的经验 sum up both positive and neg...
总结经验 sum up experience
总结经验教训 learn from experience
总统 president
总统下榻的旅馆 the hotel where the presiden...
总统专机 special plane for the Presid...
总统任期 presidential term
总统候选人 presidential candidate
总统先生 Mr. President
总统及其随行人员 the President and his entour...
总统号召人民为国家的利益作出牺牲 The President called on his ...
总统向全国作了电视讲话 The President spoke to the w...
总统官邸 the Executive Mansion
总统定于明日发表演说 The president is scheduled f...
总统将在近期内访华 The President will visit Chi...
总统府 presidential palace
总统座机由五架战斗机护航 The president's plane was co...
总统当选人 president-elect
总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判 The President sent a special...
总统的前后簇拥着一大群人 The president was escorted b...
总统的声明澄清了种种谣传和猜测 The President's statement cl...
总统选举 presidential election
总统阁下 Your Excellency Mr. Presiden...
总编辑 editor-in-chief
总罢工 general strike
总署 general administration
总而言之 in short
总行 head office
总裁判 a chief referee
总规划 overall planning
总角 a child's hair twisted in kn...
总角之交 a friend since childhood
总计 amount to
总议定书 general protocol
总论 pandect
总设计 overall design
总评 general comment
总评价 summated evaluation
总谱 score
总费用 all-in cost
总资产 total assets
总资产负债表 aggregate balance sheet
总资本 total capital
总资本利润率 total capital profit ratio
总资本构成比率 ratio of gross domestic savi...
总起来说 to sum up
总趋势 general trend
总部 general headquarters
总重量 all-up weight
总量 total
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