| 1. | The japs were really throwing everything in . 现在日本人可真是在孤注一掷了。 |
| 2. | Byron says the devifish got two jap ships . 拜伦说“乌贼号”干掉了两艘日本船。 |
| 3. | Well, the japs haven't done that, have they ? 嗯,日本人还没使出这一招,对吗? |
| 4. | If the reports were true the jap would never make it . 如果这些报告属实,那么日本人再也无法取胜了。 |
| 5. | When the jap hadn't been killed the first time, he rated being taken in as a prisoner . 那日本兵第一次没有死,按理说就是俘虏的身分了。 |
| 6. | An gruff general asked, "who'd want to march into battle with a regiment of japs behind him? " 一个爱找碴儿的将军问道:“敢问哪位愿意背后跟着一串日本佬去上阵?” |
| 7. | Quick massive air reinforcements of malaya could cut off and doom the jap invaders . 迅速地从马来亚派去大量空军增援力量说能切断日本侵略者的退路,并且置之于死地。 |
| 8. | Them japs sure know how to hold a grudge , don ' t they 日本鬼子不是很记仇的吗? |
| 9. | The unit under gao guizi command trained the gun on the japs 高桂滋部对日抗战 |
| 10. | The japs had so much cash they couldn ' t spend it 日本人有大笔现金无处可花 |