Last week national bucharest surprisingly lost 1 - 0 at home against vaslui and 2 - 0 at jiul petrosani to dent their chances of playing in european competition next season 连续的失利使得该队下赛季参加欧洲冠军联赛或欧洲联盟杯比赛的希望变得十分渺茫。
Players at a romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches . last week national bucharest surprisingly lost 1 - 0 at home against vaslui and 2 - 0 at jiul petrosani to dent their chances of playing in european competition next season 在罗马尼亚足球甲级联赛中,布加勒斯特民族队上星期连续输掉了两场比赛,该队球员将于近期被迫接受测谎仪的测试。