| 1. | Recent works by karla gaenssler Karlagaenssler作品展 |
| 2. | On the art of karla gaenssler 创造岩石的意志 |
| 3. | Zest for life is something natural , something we recognize in ourselves , something we accept and something that is increasingly demanded of us Karla的技巧逐渐进境,在97年时期的一些作品中,我们看到艺术最珍贵的表现方式?简朴simplicity 。 |
| 4. | Zest for life is something natural , something we recognize in ourselves , something we accept and something that is increasingly demanded of us Karla的技巧逐渐进境,在97年时期的一些作品中,我们看到艺术最珍贵的表现方式?简朴simplicity 。 |
| 5. | In her work as an artist , karla gaenssler demands not commiseration ; rather , in her configurations lie signs with which she attempts to soften , not obfuscate life s burdens 当你希望你的创作能在瞬间就感动人,坚持"简朴"是不可让步的。这也是诗的道理。 |
| 6. | In her work as an artist , karla gaenssler demands not commiseration ; rather , in her configurations lie signs with which she attempts to soften , not obfuscate life s burdens 当你希望你的创作能在瞬间就感动人,坚持"简朴"是不可让步的。这也是诗的道理。 |
| 7. | One may see the way her shadowy figures seem to tentatively touch as a tender ritual , or simply as a rhythmic pattern . " orpheus " can be seen as the singer himself or as his harp 她是莱比?大学毕业的,当时的"哲学"并未能禁锢karla的艺术敏感和她超远的想像力。 |
| 8. | One may see the way her shadowy figures seem to tentatively touch as a tender ritual , or simply as a rhythmic pattern . " orpheus " can be seen as the singer himself or as his harp 她是莱比?大学毕业的,当时的"哲学"并未能禁锢karla的艺术敏感和她超远的想像力。 |