Clinical discuss of bicarbonate administration on diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒补碱问题的临床探讨
Recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis after changing pen devices for insulin in 更换胰岛素注射笔后出现的复发性糖尿病酮症酸中毒
A clinical study on the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis by qingtong jiedu tang 清酮解毒汤治疗糖尿病酮症酸中毒的临床研究
Hypoglycemia during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis by low - dose insulin 小剂量胰岛素治疗糖尿病酮症酸中毒中的低血糖及其反应症状
The blood sugar level of a dm patient fluctuates and is not stable . loss of consciousness can occur when it is too high ( diabetic ketoacidosis ) or too low ( hypoglycemic coma ) 糖尿病昏睡与低血糖休克糖尿病患者往往不能令血糖维持于稳定水平。倘若血糖过高,有可能做成昏迷;血糖过低,亦可能导致休克。