Other overseas presences of the bank includes a branch in los angeles , an offshore banking unit in labuan and representative offices in singapore , the philippines and thailand 世华银行其他海外办事处包括洛杉矶分行纳闽岛离岸银行办事处,以及设于新加坡菲律宾及泰国的代表办事处。
Some of the local and international projects york has participated in are at britain s house of parliament , the sydney opera house , the capitol building in washington , klcc twin towers , the 1998 commonwealth games village and the labuan financial park York曾参与的国内外工程计划,包括英国国会大厦悉尼歌剧院华盛顿国会大厦吉隆坡双峰塔1998年共和联邦运动会选手村和纳闽财政中心。
Some of the well known landmarks that relies on york cooling comfort are the britain s house of parliament , the sydney opera house , the capitol building in washington , eiffel tower , world trade center , labuan financial park , klcc twin towers and the 1998 commonwealth games village 一些采用york产品的知名地标包括英国国会悉尼歌剧院华盛顿国会大厦埃菲尔铁塔纳闽财政中心吉隆坡双峰塔和1998年共和联邦运动会选手村。