This is a documentary aired in the uk recently . it features interviews with people who have met bin ladin . they cover his childhood upto the current day 这部纪录片最近在英国播放过,通过采访与本拉登接触过得人,来了解本拉登从童年到今天的历程。
26 pacitti e , simon e . update propagation strategies to improve freshness in lazy master replicated databases . vldb journal , 2000 , 8 : 305 - 318 . 27 ladin r , liskov b , shrira l , ghemawat s . providing high availability using lazy replication 最后,我们在我们的pdms原型系统上进行了大量的模拟实验,实验结果表明2dcma在数据一致性维护方面比mork的算法性能要好并且在定义一致性维护方面, 2dcma算法比集中式视图维护算法的性能要好。