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English translation for "lanceolate"

Example Sentences:
1.Leaves linear to lanceolate , thin and soft , gradually tapered end of branch
2.Low growing perennial with creeping stolons ; leaf light green , rolled in bud ; leaf blade long - lanceolate to linear , apex acute , inflorescence a short , open panicle , somewhat contracted
3.Leaves leathery , elliptic - lanceolate or broadly oblanceolate , 4 - 13 cm long and 2 - 4 cm wide , apex acuminate to acute , base cuneate , margin revolute ; petioles 0 . 7 - 1 . 5 cm long , base slightly swollen
叶革质,椭圆状披针形或阔倒披针形,长4 - 13厘米,宽2 - 4厘米,顶端渐尖或急尖,基部楔形,边缘背卷;叶柄长0 . 7 - 1 . 5厘米,基部稍肿大。
4.Tufted perennial with strong creeping stolons ; leaf yellowish green to green , folded in bud ; leaf blade smooth , lanceolate , slightly bent at the joint with the sheath ; inflorescence of a terminal single raceme , spike - like , smooth , sub - sylindrical and slightly bent inwards
5.Leaves crowded near apex of the trunk , spirally arranged ; stipes dark brown , with sharp spines ; lamina large , oblong , tripinnate ; pinnae 17 - 20 pairs , alternate , longest one to 60 cm long , the basal one reduced ; rachis short - spiny ; pinnules 18 - 20 pairs , sessile or nearly so , lanceolate , to 10 cm long and 2 . 5 cm wide , divided almost to the costa ; segments more or less falcate , toothed
叶螺旋状排列,聚生于茎端;叶柄棕色,具锐刺;叶片大,长矩圆形,三回羽状深裂;羽片17 - 20对,互生,最大的长达60厘米,基部一对缩短,羽轴有短刺;小羽片18 - 20对,无柄或近于无柄,披针形,长达10厘米,宽2 . 5厘米,深裂几达中脉;末回裂片多少镰状,有齿。
6.The position about three kinds of lactuca brevirostris was discussed . the lanceolate - leaf lactuca brevirostris and the linear - leaf lactuca brevirostris were possibly two subspecies and two kinds of lanceolate - leaf lactuca brevirostris were possibly different species , lanceolate - leaf lactuca brevirostris 2 might be a variant or an external species
7.Leaves thick leathery , obovate - lanceolate , obovate or oblong - lanceolate , 4 - 12 cm long and 2 - 3 . 5 cm wide , apex rounded , sometimes emarginated , base cuneate , abaxial surface thinly covered with a grayish to fawn indumentum at first , later glabrescent ; petiole 1 - 1 . 5 cm long , glabrescent
叶厚革质,倒卵状披针形、倒卵形或长圆状披针形,长4 - 12厘米,宽2 - 3 . 5厘米,顶端近圆形,有时微缺,基部楔形,下面初时薄被灰白色或淡土黄色丛卷毛,后近无毛;叶柄长1 - 1 . 5厘米,后近无毛。
8.Leaves tufted ; stipes stout , up to 1 . 2 m long , densely covered with golden brown hairs at base ; lamina up to 2 m long and 1 m wide , tripinnatifid ; pinnae alternate , sparsely spaced ; pinnules linear - lanceolate , to 15 cm long and 1 - 2 . 5 cm wide , short - stipitate ; ultimate lobes linear , more or less falcate , shallowly serrate , dark green and shining above , light green to glaucous below
叶簇生;叶柄粗壮,长可达1 . 2米,基部亦密被金黄褐色毛;叶片长可达2米,宽达1米,三回羽状分裂;羽片互生,疏离;小羽片线状披针形,长达15厘米,宽1 - 2 . 5厘米,具短柄;末回裂片线形,略呈镰状,边缘有浅锯齿,上面深绿色,有光泽,下面灰白色。
9.It is mainly characterized in the triangular - lanceolate leaves which are green but white with dark green reticulation along the midrib and more or less truncate at base ; the flowers are erect on the rachis and half - opened ; the lip is tripartite , glabrous , more or less urceolate in side view ; the hypochile is saccate , ovoid and big while the epichile is relatively tiny , reflexed , undivided and transversely oblong or subreniform
本种之主要特征为: ?呈三角?披针形, ?面?色,沿中?有白色斑块, ?基多少呈截形;花直?于花轴,半张;唇瓣呈三段? ,平?无毛,侧视时多少呈壶型;基段片囊? , ?形,巨大,先段片相对微小、反卷, ?再细?而呈横向椭圆形。
10.Leaves tufted ; stipes 15 - 30 cm long , densely scaly at base , glabrous above ; sterile lamina about 60 cm long and 20 cm wide , simply pinnate ; pinnae numerous , alternate or subopposite , linear - lanceolate , the largest about 12 cm long and 1 cm wide , base cordate , apex acuminate , margin finely toothed ; veins close , forking once or twice and forming areoles near the midrib ; fertile lamina similar to sterile ones , but somewhat reduced , about 8 cm long and 0 . 4 cm wide , lower surface almost entirely covered with sporangia
叶簇生;叶柄长15 - 30厘米,基部密被鳞片,向上近光滑;不育叶片长约60厘米,宽20厘米,一回羽状;羽片多数,互生或近对生,线状披针形,最长者长达12厘米,宽约1厘米,顶端长渐尖,基部心形,边缘有细密锯齿;叶脉1 - 2次分叉,近中脉形成网眼;能育叶与不育叶相似,但较小,长约8厘米,宽约0 . 4厘米,下部满布孢子囊。
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