For two days he was languorous and esteemed . 两天来,他因身体衰弱无力,受到尊重。
It was to the strains of this languorous song that teroro saw approaching him, in the gentle rhythms of a chiefs hula, a slim, wiry-hipped girl of fourteen with midninght-black hair that fell to her knees . 在软绵绵的歌声中,蒂罗罗看到一个十四岁的少女踏着酋长的呼拉舞步朝他走近,身材纤细,臀部结实,夜一样乌黑的长发能拂到膝盖。
You looks very languorous , so you need rest 你看起来很疲倦,您需要休息。
The rouged and powdered cheeks and lips , the scented hair , the large , misty , and languorous eye , were common enough 这中间多的是红唇白面香发以及迷茫懒散的大眼睛。
Years age it was a day of breezy march when the murmur if the spring was languorous , and mango blossoms were dropping on the dust 好几年前,三月风吹的一天,春天倦慵地低语,芒果花落在地上。
It entered into them , dreamy and languorous , weakening the fibres of resolution , suffusing the face of morality , or of judgment , with haze and purple mist 那感觉进入了他们心里,情做而迷茫,削弱者意志,也给道德和理智蒙上一层烟霭,一层紫雾。
Being in lack of sleep , one will feel tired , languorous , less clever , deficient in memory and concentration , and will lose considerably ones labour efficiency 失眠,身体会感到疲倦不舒服,头脑不清楚,智力减退,精神难以集中,劳动效率大大降低。
Photograph by michael nicholstigers , like this female in india ' s bandhavgarh national park , spend hot days in a languorous laze , storing energy for nights of hunting 如图中这只印度班达迦国家公园的雌老虎,在炎热的天气里老虎总是没精打采的打瞌睡,以为夜里的捕猎积蓄能量。
It is filled with gentle , quiet tunes floating like leaves in a freshening breeze . languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow 它充满了温柔,清静的曲调,像微风中的树叶那样飘摇。懒洋洋的和弦似乎与合成音乐的重力相抗争着,同时音乐又像上了一个黄金相框。
The atmosphere beneath is languorous , and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue , while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine 下面的大气是宁静的,染上了一层浅蓝,甚至连被艺术家称作中景的部分,也染上了那种颜色,但是远方的地平线染上的却是浓重的深蓝。