| 1. | The message pronnikov imparted was clear to levchenko . 列夫钦科心里很明白普洛尼科夫讲话的用意。 |
| 2. | Levchenko was a veritable prisoner, which was not healthy . 列夫钦科真的成了名符其实的囚徒了,这太不象样子。 |
| 3. | Again levchenko cried out to himself, why and for what ? 列夫钦科又一次对自己大声疾呼:这是为了什么,究竟为了什么? |
| 4. | Levchenko recognized that his father not only spoke of honesty; he behaved honestly . 列夫钡科承认,父亲不仅讲诚实,而且为人也诚实。 |
| 5. | Azizov smiled, whether out of derision or amusement levchenko could not tell . 阿基佐夫笑了,是嘲弄,还是觉得有趣,列夫钦科也说不清楚。 |
| 6. | Levchenko felt gratitude and admiration for those who rescued his country from such peril . 列夫钦科对那些使他的国家免遭这种危险的人产生了感激和钦佩之情。 |
| 7. | Levchenko was no position to evaluate this claim, and he wondered if it were merely a bureaucratic boast . 列夫钦科无法证实这种说法是否正确,他怀疑这是吹牛。 |
| 8. | Levchenko thought: it was the war in the name of peace; subversion in the guise of humanitarianism . 列夫钦科想:这是以和平名义进行的战争;是在人道主义伪装下的收买。 |
| 9. | A colonel azizov, a swarthy, sardonic, pipe-smoking tartar, awaited levchenko . 一个叫阿基佐夫的上校,在等着列夫钦科。他皮肤黝黑,面带讥讽表情,嘴里叼着烟斗,是个鞑靼人。 |