And it matters not only to companies : universities , too , have recently become big patent holders and licensers 不但企业在重视知识产权,大学近些年也成为巨大的专利所有人和许可人。
The above - mentioned total contract price shall be firm and fixed price for the licenser ' s obligation under the contract including all expenses incurred for delivery of the technical documentation and software cip beijing airport , china 以上合同条款是对于让与人在本合同下应尽的包括按cip条款将技术资料和软件运达北京机场之全部责任的固定价格。
Within three months from the day the licensing contract is signed , the licenser and licensee shall submit a copy of the licensing contract to a local county - level administrative department for industry and commerce for the record ; the matter shall be reported by the licenser to the trademark office for the record and to be published by the latter 许可人和被许可人应当在许可合同签订之日起三个月内,将许可合同副本交送其所在地县级工商行政管理机关存查,由许可人报送商标局备案,并由商标局予以公告。