| 1. | Of mahamudra in palpung sherabling 尊贵的大司徒仁波切 |
| 2. | Pic 3 : the 7 - days teaching of mahamudra was given directly by his eminence tai situ rinpoche 图三:尊贵的大司徒仁波切端坐在法座上 |
| 3. | From different countries people were coming for this mahamudra teaching , which was given by h . e 各地区请购dvds的地点,请参考大手印网之连结。 |
| 4. | He received many teachings of mahamudra , including all the oral pith instructions from the 16th karmapa 他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教,包含了所有的口诀心要。 |
| 5. | H . e . the 12 th tai situpa was giving the mahamudra teaching in palpung sherabling during 08 mar 15 mar 2007 授课期间,尊圣的泰锡度仁波切是以英文开示,同场并安排了中文翻译。 |
| 6. | The 12 th tai situpa was blessing the attendants , who came to palpung sherabling for the mahamudra teaching during 08 mar 15 mar 2007 尊贵的大司徒仁波切在法座上加持前来参加了义大手印课程的弟子们 |
| 7. | Pic 1 his eminence tai situ rinpoche gave the teaching of mahamudra in front of the stupa of the 8th tai situ 12 . 2004 , in palpung sherabling 图一:尊贵的大司徒仁波切端坐在第八世大司徒仁波切的舍利塔前向来自世界各地的弟子们教授大手印 |
| 8. | Thanks to thutop rinpoche for this arrangement , without his requirement , we may not easily have this opportunity to learn mahamudra direcly from his eminence tai situ rinpoche 的法本因八蚌智慧林可供在家居士住宿的地方有限,故请大家尽早报名,如有师兄联络不到 |
| 9. | Since tilopa - the greatest master of the kagyu lineage , mahamudra has been transmited through generations , this lineage is never broken . his holiness karmapa and his eminencetai situ rinpoche were the key leaders in this unbroken golden rosary , they took care of this lineage for hundreds years already . getting blessing and learning mahamudra directly from these great guru master is a very auspicious thing in the life 自祖师帝洛巴开始至今,大手印于噶举传承中代代相传,不曾间断,噶玛巴和大司徒于此传承宝链上居于位首上承千年传承加持和功力,习白教传承者,特别是欲习大手印这一大法者,均无不以直接师承噶玛巴或大司徒为要 |