Openness , marginality , and rurality observer ' s report on the 4th anthropology summit forum 第四届人类学高级论坛之观察员评论
Thoughts on the gender features of community employment and preventing the marginality of women ' s status 社区就业的性别特征与防止妇女地位边缘化的思考
Scott fitzgerald responds to the developing national culture of his time , here described as an evolving relation between the marginality of the region and the hegemony of the center 正如其小说中的许多人物一样,菲茨杰拉德从国家和典律中感知到阈限性(他自己的作品直到死后才获得盛誉) ,这使得他依赖于自己认为是最为边远的价值观念。
More generally , the historicist heritage of the sociology of knowledge predisposed the latter toward a strong interest in history and … … , that also made for its marginality in the milieu of american sociology 总体而论,历史主义者承袭知识社会学,造成后者转向有极大的兴趣在历史上以及实质上历史学方法的应用;事实上,偶然地,促成知识社会学在美国社会学背景的边际性。
With the continuous efforts of two generations of chicano writers , chicano literature has stepped out of marginality and entered contemporary american literary classics , representing a key voice part in the american multiethnic cultural chorus and reflecting an important trend in the development of contemporary american literature 在两代奇卡诺作家的努力下,奇卡诺文学走出“边缘地带” ,进入了美国当代文学经典的殿堂,成为多族裔文化大合唱的一个重要声部,反映了当代美国文学发展的重要趋向。
In this essay i argue that the writing of american jazz age novelist f . scott fitzgerald responds to the developing national culture of his time , here described as an evolving relation between the marginality of the region and the hegemony of the center . like many of the characters in his novels , fitzgerald ' s perceived liminality from nation and canon - his work did not achieve repute until after his death - produced , paradoxically , dependence on those values the writer felt most distant from . to a far greater extent than hemingway , fitzgerald fictionalized the commodity culture of the american center which he , in time , came to reject in favor of a moral posture . fitzgerald ' s migration from the perceived margins of american literary discourse to status as a posthumous , centered canonical figure has three specific dimensions - the geographical , the canonical , and the moral - all of which combine to produce a significant ambivalence , beyond " modernist " credentials , in his life and legacy 本文认为,美国爵士时代的小说家菲茨杰拉德的作品对于作者所处时代和处于发展之中的民族文化(即区域边缘与国家霸权之间的演进关系)作出了回应.正如其小说中的许多人物一样,菲茨杰拉德从国家和典律中感知到阈限性(他自己的作品直到死后才获得盛誉) ,这使得他依赖于自己认为是最为边远的价值观念.与海明威相比较,菲茨杰拉德在更大程度上将位于美国中心的商品文化小说化,而最终他又出于道德考量将它予以拒绝.菲茨杰拉德从明显的美国文学话语边缘向去世之后被经典化的中心地位的漂移表现在地理、典律、道德三个方面.三者交织,使得学界关于他的纷争超越了现代主义者身份问题,在关于他的人生和文学遗产问题上也是褒贬不一,众说纷纭