Starring fujiwara tatsuya and matsuyama kenichi became a blockbuster success throughout asia . death god ryuk has attracted much attention in the film 由于姨母要到别处工作,凯迪便去投靠住在山上且性情古怪的爷爷。
In summer 2006 , the film version of death note starring fujiwara tatsuya and matsuyama kenichi became a blockbuster success throughout asia ; the sequel is scheduled for november release 在死神界无聊至极的死神流克,视人类为一样有趣的玩物,于是它在人类世界丢下一本死亡笔记,只要在笔记里被写上名字的人类便会死亡!
His callous renegade justice , however , is not tolerated by the authorities . faced with so many unexplained deaths , the police enlist the assistance of the young genius l , whose eccentricity is aptly portrayed by matsuyama kenichi 长居于山上的爷爷跟村民十分疏远,但其冷漠之心也被纯真的凯迪融化了牧童彼得自幼也失去父爱,跟凯迪一见如故。