| 1. | They move like mechanized doom . 它们象机械化的死神在行动。 |
| 2. | Intensive mechanized agriculture has both weaknesses and strengths . 机械化集约农业既有缺点又有力量。 |
| 3. | Intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient . 机械化集约农业是高效率的典型。 |
| 4. | These systems require a human labor investment that is high by the standards of mechanized farming . 这种系统所需投入的人工,用机械化农业的标准来衡量是很高的。 |
| 5. | Cotton-picking and weeding machines, which had received little attention before the war, were improved and the farm work was mechanized . 战前不受人重视的摘棉机、中耕机得到了改进,农场的工作机械化了。 |
| 6. | But, in fact, one often finds production techniques in both agriculture and industry to be heavily mechanized and capital intensive . 但是事实上,人们通常发现不管在农业还是工业中,生产技术都是重型机械化的和资本密集型的。 |
| 7. | Mechanized shaft kiln internal water charging technology 机立窑实施窑内加水技术 |
| 8. | They could mechanize the horse , put it on tracks 他们可以用机械的马放在轨道上 |
| 9. | Ways to control gas in a fully mechanized caving face 治理综放工作面瓦斯的途径 |
| 10. | The country is aim to mechanize its farming industry 国家目标是使农业机械化。 |