If enough energy is available , and conditions are right , the meditator can project that particular subtle body directly into its natural dimension 如可获得足够的能量,条件适宜,冥想者可以将特定的微细身体直接投射至它的自然的维度。
Once the meditator achieves a strong and powerful concentration , his mind is ready to penetrate and see into the ultimate nature of reality , eventually obtaining release from all suffering 一旦一个冥想者达到了一种强而有力的集中,他的思想已经看穿和看见最终的真实本性,最后会从所有苦楚中得到释放。
Not bad ! an elderly meditator who was very interested in masters message acquired several chinese and english editions of her books and enjoyed a heart - to - heart conversation on spiritual practice with a brother initiate . this first contact with masters teachings brought a glow of bliss to the mans face . and although he was unable to receive initiation into the quan yin method due to his age , he nonetheless gained much from learning the convenient method 一位平常就有打坐的老先生,对师父教理很感兴趣,他当场大量请购师父的中英文经书,并跟师兄畅谈修行心得,乍闻法音,喜悦之情溢于言表,然而因年纪已超过印心的年上限,故只能修习方便法,但老先生仍觉得收获满满。