According to them , if only metternich , rumyantsev , or talleyrand had , in the interval between a leve and a court ball , really taken pains and written a more judicious diplomatic note , or if only napoleon had written to alexander , i consent to restore the duchy to the duke of oldenburg , there would have been no war 因此,只要在皇帝出朝和招待晚会时,梅特涅鲁缅采夫好好作一番努力,把公文写得更巧妙些,或者拿破仑给亚历山大写上一封信: monsieur , mon frre , je consens rendre le duch au due doldenbourg ,战争就不会发生了。
But the philosophic historian gervinus , controverting the view of the special historian of those events , seeks to prove that the campaign of 1813 and the restoration of the bourbons was due not only to alexander , but also to the work of stein , metternich , madame de stal , talleyrand , fichte , chateaubriand , and others . the historian obviously analyses the power of alexander into component forces 但是通史家革飞努斯断然否定专题史学家的这种观点,他极力证明一八一三年的远征和波旁王朝的复辟,除了由于亚历山大的意志外,还由于施泰因梅特涅斯塔埃尔夫人塔列兰费希特谢多勃良以及其他诸人的行动造成的。