As an information passage between microworld and macroworld , vision subsystem directly influents the accuracy and efficiency of microinjection 显微视觉子系统是从微观世界向宏观世界传递视觉信息的通道,直接影响微操作的准确性和效率。
Besides constructions , the more important tasks for scientists are to strangify their microworld and make more cooperation and communication with others from different disciplines 科学家的任务除了主动建构之外,更重要的是积极拓展自己的微世界,与其他不同学科的科学家进行合作与交流。
As a window to the transgenic microinjection system , vision system plays a role of information medium between microworld and macroworld . it directly affects the operation accuracy and efficiency 视觉系统是转基因微注射系统的眼睛,是微观世界与宏观世界间的信息桥梁,直接影响操作的准确性和效率。
Constructive realism has tried to establish an epistemological framework for the interdis ciplinary scientific cooperation through revealing several important concepts , such as microworld , reality , environment , construction and strangification . my paper is composed of four parts 建构实在论通过对微世界、现实界、环境界、建构和拓展几个关键概念的揭示,试图为学科间的合作与交流建立一个新的认识论框架。
Constructive realism claims that we should understand scientific activities as the constructions of microworld and brings out new concepts of reality that are called as reality and environment , so that we can find out an approach for the reality problem which puzzles scientific realism 认为应把科学活动理解成微世界的建构,从另一个角度提出新的实在概念即现实界和环境界,为困扰科学实在论的实在问题找到了一条出路。
With the arrival of the 21th century , research and practice of knowledge management turned from macro - level to microworld and the academic circles , as well as the business circles began to explore how to conduct knowledge management in order to meet the challenge of its age 人类步入21世纪,关于知识经济的研究和实践逐渐从宏观层次转向微观领域,学术界乃至企业界都开始研究、积极探索如何进行知识管理,以应对知识经济时代的挑战。