English translation for "minorant"
- 弱函数
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The second , the molecule dynamic method ( md ) has been used to investigate the nature of at high temperature and pressure . the primary results is ( 4 ) that is really a reduced minorant but not a continuous function of temperature ? there a interrupt where material transfer its state from solid to liquid . the third , some methods which to get directly by experiments and their results have been discussed 第二方面,以分子动力学方法研究了晶格随比容和温度的变化规律问题,获得的主要认识为( : 4 )晶格(至少对于铜、铝)的确是温度的函数,并且是弱函数,但不是温度的单调(下降)函数? ?其基本变化规律在固液相变点有一间断(跳升) 。 |
- Similar Words:
- "minor-leaguer" English translation, "minor-loop feedback compensation" English translation, "minor-loop feedback compensation network" English translation, "minor-oppenheim" English translation, "minora sokichi" English translation, "minorant for series" English translation, "minorant function" English translation, "minorante" English translation, "minorca" English translation, "minorco" English translation