| 1. | What are the technical requirements for websites using the . mobi domain name Mobi手机域名的网络技术需求是什么? |
| 2. | Up to now , mobi 1e data market 1acks the right operating mode suitab1e for its deve1opment 目前,移动数据市场中还缺乏符合其发展规律的运营模式。 |
| 3. | A1though the future of mobi 1e data market is prosperous , its deve1opment is not smoothed 虽然移动数据市场的前途广阔,但是移动数据业务的发展并不是一帆风顺的。 |
| 4. | Fina1ly , we ana1yze the future of short message service and the trefld direct ion of new mobi 1e short message techno1ogy 第五章分析了短消息增值业务的前景,以及新兴多媒体短信技术的发展趋势。 |
| 5. | Mohi1e data businesses include short message service and mobi 1e internet service , whose deve1opment conditions and prosperity are quite different 移动数据业务包括短消息和移动上网业务,各业务发展的现状和前景情况也大不相同。 |
| 6. | Mobi 1e data bus iness meets wi th the potent ia1 demand of consumers , thus has strong vi ta1 ity and can bring abundant profits 移动数据业务是符合消费者潜在需求发展方向的一项业务,具有很强的生命力,并能给移动公司的带来丰厚的收益。 |
| 7. | Under the compe11 ing s ituat ions of ever - - i ncreasing compet it ion and arpu decrease , mobi 1e cornmunicat ion companies have to turn from uni tary business to mu1tip1e businesses operat ion . they are seeki ng new business to i ncrease compet it iveness and revenue 在日益激烈的市场竞争和每用户收入( arpu )下降的紧迫形势下,各移动通信公司不得不从单一业务经营转向多业务经营,努力寻找能提高竞争力和收入的新业务。 |
| 8. | Fina11 y , the art ic1e proposes operat ing mode and deve1opi ng strategy for mobi 1e data business of shaanxi mobi le communication co . ltd . the study resu1ts can be taken as direct guidance for deve1opment of data business of shaanxi mobi1e conununication co . ltd . , and can be referenced by other mobi 1e communicat ion compani es 最后,本文为陕西移动通信公司提出了移动数据业务的运营模式和发展策略。本文的研究结果对于该公司发展移动数据业务具有直接的指导作用,对于其它的通信企业发展移动数据业务具有一定的参考价值。 |
| 9. | Taking mobi 1e data business of shaanxi mobi 1e cornunication co . ltd . as research object , oriented by modern enterpr ise strategi c management theory and marketing theory , emp1oying mu1t ip1e management theory as we11 as socia1 ecosystem and va1ue chain theory , and adopt ing qua1 itat i ve and quantitative ana1ysis , the artic1e probes into the company ' s deve1opment mode and strategy of data business 本文以陕西移动通信公司的移动数据业务为研究对象,以现代企业战略管理理论和市场营销理论为指导,综合运用多种管理理论,以及社会生态系统和价值链理论,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,对公司的数据业务的发展模式和发展策略进行了探讨。 |
| 10. | Mobile internet was born as a result of the progress and access oi " mobile communication and internet . lt is the demand of mobi ' e communication adapted to the application of data communication and also the demand of internet wants to be mobile . on the basis of the demand analysis of wireless mobile communication . the paper researched the system of short message service ( sms ) w ' lich now has applied widely 移动通信和因特网的迅猛发展和相互融合诞生了一个崭新的领域? ?移动互联网。这是移动通信适应数抛业务发展的新动向,也是internet要“动”起来的要求。论文在对无线移动数据通信发展需求分析的基础上,就当前应用最火热的短消息系统进行了深入的研究。 |