| 1. | His mind blanked out momentarily . 他一时走神了。 |
| 2. | The teacher's attention was momentarily on grandpa, down the street . 老师一时只顾顺着街去看爷爷。 |
| 3. | Reform forces might capture the conventions and momentarily subdue the bosses . 改革势力也许能夺取代表大会,并暂时制服头头们。 |
| 4. | Eugenie's transparent sincerity had momentarily sanctified charle's love . 欧也妮的天真烂漫,一刹那间把查理的爱情也变得神圣了。 |
| 5. | A shadow momentarily dimmed the blue eyes, but he smiled, pitying her . 蓝眼睛里一瞬间出现了一片阴云,但他马上就笑了,他很怜悯她。 |
| 6. | Depressed economic conditions only momentarily paralyzed roosevelt's reform impulses . 萧条的经济情况只是暂时遏制住罗斯福兴利除弊的劲头。 |
| 7. | The german assaulted on russia also momentarily disrupted the desultory japaneseamerican talks . 德国突袭俄国,也暂时打断当时断断续续进行的日、美谈判。 |
| 8. | A ball carrier on the opposing team breaks through a hole in the line, is checked momentarily . 对方一个带球,球员刚在人墙中冲开了一个缺口,前面又遇到了阻挡过不去。 |
| 9. | Strangers would look long at her in casually passing by, and grow momentarily fascinated by her freshness . 素不相识的人,偶然走过,会注目久视,时叫她的清新鲜嫩所迷住。 |
| 10. | Consequently we digress momentarily in this section to review some well-known definitions and operations . 因此在这一节里,我们暂时离开正题,来复习一下一些熟知的定义及运算。 |