I have heard that admiral mountbatten is vigorous, intelligent, and courageous . 我曾听说蒙巴顿海军上将是坚强、有才智和勇敢的。
Mountbatten then capped matters by drawing a pistol from his pocket to demonstrate the strength of pykrete against gunfire . 蒙巴顿从衣袋中掏出手枪,准备用它来证明“派克里特”抵抗枪炮的力量,这就使表演达到了高潮。
Lord louis mountbatten salutes his heroes home 路易?斯蒙巴顿将军向归国的英雄们致敬
On november 20th , 1947 , britain ' s future queen , princess elizabeth , married philip mountbatten , duke of edinburgh , in a ceremony broadcast worldwide from westminster abbey 1947年11月20日,英国未来的女王伊丽莎白公主嫁给爱丁堡的菲利普蒙巴顿公爵,在威斯敏特教堂举行庆典并向全球直播。